Follow-up after treatment
After treatment, it is imperative to have regular check-ups. The check-ups may involve: Checking for cancer recurrence. Management of side effects. Rehabilitation (for example speech therapy). Psychological support.
After treatment, it is imperative to have regular check-ups. The check-ups may involve: Checking for cancer recurrence. Management of side effects. Rehabilitation (for example speech therapy). Psychological support.
Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, assess your risk factors and symptoms if you have any. He/she will also examine your head and neck. If your doctor thinks you may have head and neck cancer, then he/she will want to obtain some of the following tests in order to confirm the diagnosis …
Unlike other types of cancer, AML has no staging system. The way we categorize AML is by different subtypes. The French American, British system (FAB) and World Health Organization (WHO) classification system are two examples of systems used to classify AML into subtypes. Another way we commonly classify AML is by “cytogenetic classification”. The FAB …
Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, risk factors, symptoms if you have any. He/she will also perform a physical examination. If your doctor thinks that you may have AML, then he/she will want to obtain some of the following tests in order to confirm the diagnosis: Complete blood count: A complete blood …
It can be difficult to cope with a diagnosis of breast cancer and it is normal to go through several feelings and emotions such as denial, confusion, anxiety or fear. You may also feel that things are out of your control. Getting as much information as possible about your cancer and its treatment can help …
Coping with diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer Read More »
Clinical trials are research studies that involve people with certain diseases. Understanding what they are can help you decide if a clinical trial might be an option for you. Most cancer clinical trials are research studies that test new treatments or new ways of using existing treatments on patients with a certain type of cancer. …
Clinical trials are research studies that involve people with certain diseases. Understanding what they are can help you decide if a clinical trial might be an option for you. Most cancer clinical trials are research studies that test new treatments or new ways of using existing treatments on patients with a certain type of cancer. …
Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. Understanding what they are can help you decide if a clinical trial might be an option for you. Cancer clinical trials take place in cities and towns throughout the world. They take place in doctors’ offices, cancer centers, medical centers, community hospitals and clinics. A single trial …